Susan Mason


Susan has worked in the field of counseling for over 25 years.

She is a Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist and trained for 10 years directly with the founder of IFS, Dr. Richard Schwartz. She has had IFS training working with individuals and couples.

In addition, Susan has studied energy work with Cindy Libman, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Advanced Energy Healer from Minneapolis. She is a Reikii Level I and II practitioner and has completed training in Hakomi, an experiential psychotherapy that embodies the principle of mind-body integration. I am continually open to learning new methods that can help me help my clients.

I feel very lucky to have found work that is meaningful to me and helpful to others. It is truly an honor to sit with my clients and know that they trust me with the details of their life. I consider our work together sacred work and deeply love spending time with everyone who I get to meet in this way. Nothing is more gratifying to me than helping my clients as I listen with compassion and no judgment.

Nothing is more gratifying to me than helping my clients as I listen with compassion and no judgment

Listen to Beth’s interview with Susan